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Lieb Behind the Scenes – March 2020

Woah, guys. I thought about not writing my blog at all this quarter. I mean, what can I possibly say right now? Does what’s happening “behind the scenes” at Lieb even matter? Can I offer any words that will be at all helpful or insightful? No. This crisis is so much bigger than me, than Lieb.

Yet, here I am typing. I feel compelled to say SOMETHING.

What feels right, I think, is not to report on what’s going on here, but simply to take this post to wish everyone reading this health, perspective and support. I know people toss around the “I’m here if you need me” sentiment a lot, but I really mean it. My team and I are genuinely here if you need us.

If you’d like to stop in just to chat, to feel normal and a sense of connection, please come see us when our tasting room is open (while maintaining the required 6 foot distance, of course).  We’re here and happy to lend a friendly ear.

If you’d like to walk through or set up a picnic in our vineyard to feel a sense of peace and calm, please do — just look out for Jildo on his tractor!

If you need some emergency wine sent your way STAT, please email me at I’ll make sure that your order is expedited and gets to you right away.

If you’d to like organize an at-home wine tasting, reach out to our wholesale director,, and he’ll tell you where our “secret” cheat sheets are. They’ll tell you the grapes in each wine, what the vintage was like and what the tasting notes are. You’ll impress your friends with  your new found wine knowledge!

I know what I have to offer is insignificant compared to the people like doctors and first responders who are really helping right now. But like I said, I felt compelled to say something. And if even one of you takes me up, I’ll be glad  I did.

Be well, try to focus on the positive and cheers to much better times ahead!

Ami Opisso

General Manager & Certified Sommelier